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ePlant TreeTag Starter Kit

ePlant TreeTag Starter Kit EPTSK02-OD-EA-2S
Starter Kit:
  • 20 ePlant TreeTags
  • 2 year subscription
  • 1 outdoor gateway with antenna
  • Cloud account set up and configuration – 2 year data access

Key Features

Monitors waterflow through the growth layer of the tree, solving one of the key factors in tree establishment and survival
Analyze potential disruptions by pests, disease, damage by observing changes in a plant’s transpiration and growth
Direct measurement of growth to identify phases such as budding, flushing, or dormancy ; or understand carbon capture
Requiring zero maintenance, providing multi-year lifespan
Sending real-time, wireless data straight to the Cloud
ePlant makes the data accessible to customers, both through a rich API and applications that provide more immediate data access and visualization

ePlant TreeTag Starter Kit Features

image of a product feature

Monitoring growth, irrigation, stress, temperature, and humidity

image of a product feature

Sending real-time, wireless data straight to the Cloud

image of a product feature

Requiring zero maintenance

image of a product feature

Providing a multi-year lifespan

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