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How to secure IoT solutions: 9 cybersecurity tips

It’s amazing how interconnected our world has become. From our smart homes to the logistics behind every product we consume, everything is connected, but all this web brings new risks. Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and constantly seeking new ways to exploit vulnerabilities – like a game of cat and mouse.

As more companies implement solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT), the need to protect them has become more urgent than ever. In this article, we’ll explore how to secure IoT solutions with actionable tips to safeguard your devices and data from unseen threats.

How to secure IoT solutions: 9 actionable tips

How to secure IoT solutions
How to secure IoT solutions?

Generally speaking, securing IoT solutions isn’t about a single magic bullet, but rather a layered approach involving multiple strategies. It’s similar to building a fortress around your connected devices and sensitive data, with each tip adding another layer of protection.

Start with a strong foundation

A robust security posture begins with foundational best practices. Begin by implementing strong passwords for all IoT devices. Such passwords are at least 12 characters long, include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoid common words (susceptible to dictionary attacks) or personal information.

Using a unique password for each device is also essential, as it prevents attackers from gaining access to multiple devices if one password is compromised. Additionally, enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible is good practice. It adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more forms of identification.

Keep your devices updated

Regular software updates are essential for maintaining IoT security. They often include security patches that address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

You can accomplish this by setting up automatic updates whenever possible. Some devices, especially older ones, might not have this feature, so manually checking for and installing updates regularly is a must.

Segment your network

Isolating your IoT devices from your main network will bolster your security, too. Creating separate networks or VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) for IoT devices effectively limits their ability to communicate with other devices on your primary network, thus preventing potential attackers from using compromised IoT devices to access sensitive data on your main network.

Do IoT devices have firewalls?

Implement secure communication protocols

Data transmitted between your IoT devices and the cloud needs to be protected from interception and unauthorized access. In addition to the point above, use secure communication protocols, such as TLS/SSL and HTTPS to encrypt data during transmission.

You may also consider implementing a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to encrypt internet traffic, especially when using public Wi-Fi networks.

Choose secure devices

Before purchasing any IoT device, prioritize security considerations. Research the device’s security features and look for ones with a proven track record of security and reliability. Check if the manufacturer has a documented security policy and actively responds to exploits.

When possible, select devices that have been tested by reputable security organizations, such as NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or UL (Underwriters Laboratories). Also, prioritize those that use secure communications protocols by default.

Monitor and respond to threats

Proactive monitoring is key to identifying and responding to potential threats. Use security monitoring tools to detect suspicious activity on your IoT network and configure alerts and notifications to promptly alert you to potential security incidents.

Furthermore, develop a clear incident response plan to address security breaches as soon as they arise. It should outline steps to contain the breach, mitigate damage, and restore your systems so your operations may continue.

Limit access and control permissions

How to secure IoT solutions

Limiting access and controlling permissions for your IoT devices is essential for preventing unauthorized use and data breaches. Implement the principle of least privilege, granting each user only the minimum permissions necessary to perform their tasks. Regularly review user permissions and roles to ensure they’re still appropriate and prevent unnecessary access.

You can disable features and services irrelevant to your operations, leaving even fewer potential security gaps for attackers to exploit. If needed, it’s possible to physically limit access to your devices, keeping them in a secure location where only authorized personnel can reach them.

Dispose of unused devices securely

Don’t leave old or unused IoT devices lying around, potentially exposed to malicious individuals. Before disposing of them, ensure you’ve wiped all data and reset the device to factory settings. This helps prevent attackers from accessing sensitive information stored on the device.

If possible, consider physically destroying the device or using a reputable data destruction service to ensure data is irretrievable.

Train your users on cybersecurity

A running gag among the tech-savvy is that the problem usually lies between the chair and keyboard – in other words, most issues are caused by user error. A slight mishap, like clicking a malicious link, can have catastrophic consequences for your IoT ecosystem.

So, a strong security foundation relies on a knowledgeable user base. Invest in training your users on best practices like strong password creation, recognizing phishing attempts, and reporting suspicious activity. 

Why is security so important? What motivates hackers?

You might be thinking, “Why go through all this trouble? What’s the big deal with securing IoT devices?” 

The answer is simple: unsecured IoT devices are incredibly vulnerable, and the consequences of a security breach can be devastating.

Think of your company’s confidential data, customer information, or even operational processes being exposed to the wrong hands. Sounds nightmarish, doesn’t it? Well, it’s a real possibility with unsecured IoT devices.

How to secure IoT solutions
Securing IoT solutions has no long-term drawbacks, no matter how you look at it.

Hackers could potentially steal this valuable data, disrupt your operations, or even hold your systems hostage for ransom. The impact of a security breach can be far-reaching, leading to significant financial losses, reputational damage, and legal ramifications.

But what drives hackers to target IoT devices in the first place? Motivations vary, but here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Money: hackers often target IoT devices for financial gain. They might steal sensitive data like credit card information or intellectual property and sell it on the black market. Or they might use compromised devices to launch ransomware attacks, holding data hostage until a ransom is paid;
  • Espionage and data theft: some hackers are motivated by espionage, seeking to steal sensitive information from companies or governments. This data could be anything from trade secrets and customer information to military intelligence;
  • Disruption and chaos: these concepts motivate some ill-intentioned people. They might target critical infrastructure like power grids or transportation systems, causing widespread disruptions and chaos. This can have severe consequences for businesses, individuals, and entire communities;
  • Political or ideological agendas: similar to the above, but some hackers might target specific organizations or governments to disrupt their operations and send a message.

Now you know how to secure IoT solutions and why!

Securing IoT solutions is not a one-time fix, but an ongoing maintenance activity. It’s about building a strong foundation, staying vigilant, and adapting to the shifting landscape of cyber threats. 

Those 9 tips we covered are a great start – but every step you take to protect your connected devices and data adds another layer of security!

Here at Datanet IoT, we provide streamlined and efficient solutions for your IoT needs. Whether you’re tracking assets, monitoring environmental conditions, managing a remote truck fleet, or just trying to comply with CSRD’s Scope 3, we’re here to help you gain valuable insights and optimize your operations with the power of technology.

Contact us today to learn more about our solutions!

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